English : Our college in English.

« LEGTA Les Barres » College


The “LEGTA Les Barres” is a college under the supervision of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food. It is a part of the « EPLEFPA du Loiret » with 4 other campus situated in different locations in Loiret county.

It is situated 15 km from Montargis on National Road 7 which goes to Nevers (Nièvre) . The city of Nogent sur Vernisson (2.500 inhabitants) is located 3 km from the colleg. It is served by train (Paris - Nevers train line).

It is located on the « Arboretum National des Barres ». This arboretum is managed by the Office National des Forêts (National Forest Board) . It hots the Institute of Research in Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (IRSTEA previously called Cemagref ) and the National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN previously called IFN). These scientific research centers are regularly partners of our college on numerous educational actions.

Our school has also a lot of professional partners in its skills. They regularly help our students to carry out in situ projects.


The College is specialized in the forestry and nature conservation fields. We offer skills by year long school programs.

« LEGTA Les Barres » College prepares :

- Higher agricultural technician diploma « Forestry Management ».

- Higher agricultural technician diploma « Nature and Wildlife Conservation ».

- One-year professional Associate Degree is also available in our college. It is called "Forestry and Watersed management ». It is in relation with the Science and Technology Department of the François Rabelais University in Tours (Indre et Loire county).

- Master in Forest (Two-years professional Master's degree) in relation with the University in Orléans (Loiret county).


About 170 students, aged 18 to 22, study and live in the college. About 95% of the students are boarders (dormitories are also open at weekends). Students have good accommodation conditions in an outstanding environment. All rooms are individual and equiped with private showers. Cooking facilities are also provided for residents who stay over at the week ends. In addition, students have free access to the Internet.


Our pupils and students come from the rural and outskirt areas of our county and from the rest of France. Every year, we also welcome students from overseas French territories. So, we are used to being mentors for young students who for the first time find themselves away from their families and friends.


Our school is particularly committed to employees and learners mobility (a lot of student placements are carried out in foreign countries). We have individual and collective motilities in Europe with European and worldwide programs. Our school is involved in Erasmus + ECHE programs. We also have partners in Canada (Cégep in Québec province).


The management team encourages and promotes European and international cooperation projects. It is supported by international cooperation project leaders present in each campus to facilitate actions, to give the information collected at regional or national meetings.

Staff are involved in cooperation projects: teachers, maintenance, housekeeping and catering staffs and those in charge of accounting and administrative aspects.

Each year, project leaders are trained on European and international cooperation (pre-departure training, legal and financial aspects, etc).

The college has financial and technical aids from the European Union, the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Academic authority, community attachment and private sponsors.

There is a strong willingness among teachers to make learners become stakeholders in international cooperation activities including Higher agricultural technician diploma (BTSA)



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